Mattekongen® is the most well-known mathematics e-learning program in Finland! Now it is available also in Norway!
Mattekongen is is a computer-assisted education program which has been planned to be used as a complement in mathematics studies. Our programs, called Moppi, has about 2300 installations in Finnish schools. Mattekongen® inspires, motivates and gives variety to teaching.
For pupil
- 5000 different kind of exercises
- a lot of exercises clarifying basic concepts in the curriculum
- The exercises are renewed automatically
- The exercises motivate to learn
- plenty of challenging exercises even for more advanced pupils
- Spoken exercises on the grades 0 and 1
- plenty of clarifying animations
- different kinds of answer types (clicking in the picture, checkboxes, radio buttons...)
- registration of the answers with the student’s own name and password (list of the performed exercise groups)
For teacher
- program which is easy to use and can be used as a complement for different kinds of textbooks
- use of animations in the teaching
- creating of new exercises and editing of the old ones
- addition of picture, sound and animation
- review of results of single pupils and of a class
- copying of the exercises on the paper
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